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What Is The Mile High Club?

What is The Mile Club & How To Join A Beginner's Guide Mile high
What is The Mile Club & How To Join A Beginner's Guide Mile high from

The Mile High Club is a term used to describe those who have engaged in sexual activity while on board an aircraft. It is believed that the term first appeared in the early 20th century and has been used by the media to refer to celebrities who have been caught engaging in such activity. While it is not actually a club with members, the term has become synonymous with any sexual activity that takes place during air travel.

History of the Mile High Club

The exact origin of the term “Mile High Club” is unknown, but it has been around since the early 20th century. The term is believed to have originated from pilots who were known to engage in sexual activity while in the air. It was also used to refer to passengers who were caught engaging in such activity during air travel. In the 1920s, the term was used to describe people who had been caught engaging in sexual activity during air travel and was used by the media to describe celebrities who had been caught in the act.

Rules and Regulations for Mile High Club

Most airlines have strict rules and regulations regarding the Mile High Club. Most airlines do not allow any type of sexual activity to take place on board their aircraft and those who are caught engaging in such activity will be asked to disembark from the flight. Some airlines may also impose fines or other penalties for those who are caught engaging in sexual activity while on board their aircraft.

How to Join the Mile High Club?

Joining the Mile High Club is not an easy task, as it involves breaking the law and potentially putting yourself at risk of being caught. Those who are interested in joining the club should consider the risks and make sure they understand the potential consequences before engaging in any type of sexual activity while on board an aircraft. It is also important to note that joining the Mile High Club is not something that is officially sanctioned by any airline.

Risks of Joining the Mile High Club

While the Mile High Club may seem like an exciting adventure, it comes with a number of risks. Engaging in sexual activity while on board an aircraft can be dangerous, as it can distract the pilot and potentially lead to an accident. Additionally, those who are caught engaging in such activity will face fines or other penalties from the airline. It is also important to keep in mind that engaging in sexual activity while on board an aircraft can be considered a criminal offence in some countries.

Alternatives to Joining the Mile High Club

For those who are interested in experiencing a bit of adventure while on board an aircraft, there are a number of alternatives to joining the Mile High Club. For example, couples can enjoy a romantic meal together while on board an aircraft, or they can watch a movie together. Those who are interested in a more intimate experience can also purchase a suite with a private bed and enjoy some private time together.


The Mile High Club is a term that has been around since the early 20th century and has become synonymous with any type of sexual activity that takes place while on board an aircraft. While joining the Mile High Club may seem like an exciting adventure, it can be dangerous and can lead to fines or other penalties. Those who are interested in experiencing a bit of adventure while on board an aircraft can consider alternatives such as a romantic meal or a private suite with a bed.

Video Top 10 Facts About the Mile High Club (EPIC)